Blind Baby Daddy Blog: Where Did They Just Go?
Tut and Kennan play in the room together. Tut is searching for books to wipe off the shelf
Well it’s been a long time but I had a little extra time on the plane recently to update all of those that anxiously await my next Blind Baby Daddy Blog. We have had two little ones for 11months but now our youngest “Tut”, is crawling all over the place and he is fast. He wants everything his brother has and wants to be everywhere his brother goes. Blind Baby Daddy now has one more moving obstacle to ensure not to step on every time I turn around or even move my feet.
Every so often they play together and Kennan gets on the floor and crawls to get Tut to chase behind him but those are the easy moments without cries out of “Mine” or “No Tut.” Kennan loves to build tunnels and towers with his blocks and then push his train or hot wheels through the tunnel, that is until Tut comes along to bash it with his hand and smash it because he really can’t help in the building process. The other possible outcome is when Tut goes tumbling down and from afar I hear a “thump” followed by loud cries from Tut. In this situation, I ask Kennan, “Did you just push your brother over?” Kennan typically responds with a very confident and emphatic, “I do that!”
Kennan and Tut play in the tour while making Valentine’s cookies. There is flour EVERYWHERE!!!
In the other rare times that they are playing well together it is implied that they are making a big mess or getting into something that they shouldn’t be. An example of this would be when we were recently making Valentine’s cookies and they decided to take their hands and play windshield wiper in the flour. Other examples include Kennan moving the gate barrier to allow Tut to get over to the forbidden area of daddy’s office. In both of these instance I don’t see it on their faces but when they are a few years older I will say, “Wipe that smirk off your face!”
It’s kind of sad to admit but sometimes we put the barrier gates up to separate their play areas as if they were cows and pigs. Sometimes this is for germ spreading purposes as Tut is a saliva factory that unloads his goods on every object touched. At other times its to avoid the constant battle of, “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is also mine.” Thirdly, the pens are used for Blind Baby Daddy to narrow down the possible dangerous things that Tut could get into. The Hot Wheels seem to be of high value to Tut. Where all you sighted folk could see the cars sticking out of his mouth from across the room, I must assume that if Tut is near the blocks that he’s probably putting cars in his mouth. It’s only time though before Tut figures out how to push over the barriers and obstacles as he is often so determined to get to Kennan that he will spend 20-30min exploring all avenues.
For those that know us well, you know that I basically live in a constant tornado of chaos. It would be an unrealistic goal to always have the tornado of books, puzzle pieces, small cars, blocks, empty boxes and blankets picked up. Instead, I consider it agility training and conditioning for my feet to take the many miles or running. When you step on a few action figurines with bare feet it sure doesn’t feel good and toughens up those feet to take a few more running miles. We are of course working on the game of Clean Up but that game doesn’t work as well when one of the game’s participants is less than a year old.
Okay, that is all for this latest installment. I should have another one out here somewhat soon given that we all are in isolation and Blind Baby Daddy has more time with the kids which also means more moments to share.