Top 5 Aaron Blunders of 2010

Well, now that the 2010 year has passed, it’s time to reveal the top 5 Aaron Blunders of 2010.  The 2010 year seemed to involve many more serious issues than those that I consider as blunders but I was able to dig up some of the best of Aaron’s worst to share with all of you.  Hope these give you something to smile and chuckle about.  Without further ado here they are. 

#5.  It has become routine to mentally prepare for races by singing to some tunes prior to the race.  My singing is probably like listening to a baby cry to bystanders but it seems to put me in the right mood.  I also seem to get the head bob which makes me even more like a tool.  Maybe not a blunder but definitely something that others may get embarrassed about.  Check it out and see what you think  :)

#4.  After each race, I have initiated the CDifferentwithAaron T-shirt toss. These tosses usually involve me busting out a few dance moves and getting the crowd pumped up.  Following the Sugarland 30K in December, I got the crowd all excited and then proceeded to throw the T-shirt into the tree.  For 5min it was stuck blowing in the wind until thankfully a gust of wind pried it loose.  Ironically, the shirt blew straight to the most fired up and excited girl in the crowd.  I guess next time I will need a tree watcher to make sure my tossing space is clear. 

#3.  In 2010, I finally upgraded to a phone that I could text and reads everything to me.  I also made the mistake of telling friends to freely send me dirty texts because my lady reader will read it out loud.  These texts are rather harmless until you’re on the Metro bus and your phone starts reading “X-rated” texts out loud for everyone to hear or better yet you’re at work and all your coworkers become curious as to who you are talking to.  This definitely happened to me once or twice in 2010.  Despite this, I still think it’s funny and these texts are still encouraged!  :)

#2.  After making all the arrangements to return to MSU and cheer my Spartans on to victory against the Boilermakers of Purdue in football, I may have had a little too much fun.  I made it to the seats but that’s about it before totally making a disgrace of myself and losing my breakfast.  I then decided to wonder out of the stadium and back to where our tailgate was and proceeded to lie down on the ground and take a nap in the 30deg Michigan day.  When I woke up, MSU had just scored on a last play touchdown to win it.  Way to go Spartys, NOT Aaron! 

#1.  At the Wildflower Half Ironman I was having an amazing race but my guide wasn’t.  On the run my guide cramped up and encouraged me to go on.    Eager to bust out a great race I made a poor judgment call and asked a random volunteer, who was not exactly in the right state of mind, to run with me.  I went through a few volunteers and then met back up with my guide to finish the race.  This poor decision to “use outside assistance” led to a cascade of events including a DQ from the race, dismissal from the National Team and a whirlwind of chatter over the internet.